R-17 C-Section of a goat

                                            Therio clinic UVAS A-block
Case no: 9529                                                               
 Date: 30-1-2015
Owner name: M Asif
Adress: Naroki , Pattoki
Specie: Goat
Breed: Beetal
Age: 2 years
Parity: 1
History/complain:   Gestation length of goat was completed and goat was straining from yesterday. Goat was crossed with beetal buck. No discharge from vagina was observed by the owner. Goat was taken to UVAS C-block therio clinic on exam it was noted that cervix of goat is closed. E2 (stilbestrol) was injected at morning but there was no response and cervix did not opened. So goat was referred for c-section at uvas therio clinic A-block.
  Clinical Exam: We checked the cervix but it was closed. Condition of goat was good. Goat was active. So  we planned for c-secton of goat at 2pm on same day.  CRT, T, P, R and hydration status was normal.
DX: Closed cervix
    Rx: C-section

C-section: Surgical site Left flank of goat was clipped/shaved and scrubed with pyodine scrub. Local anaesthesia (lignocaine)was used (Line block). Incision was given on skin… subcut tissue… muscle layer.
   Gravid horn was grasped and from one end incision was given. 3 kids were pulled out from uterus. All were alive and were in good condition. Suction pump was used to remove excessive fluids. Suturing was done 1st uterus was sutured in 2 layers . In 1st layer simple interrupted sutures were applied and in 2nd layer Lambert suture pattern was used. Then muscles layer along with fascia was closed.
Then subcut tissue was closed. And at end horizontal matrus pattern was applied on skin.
·         Penbiotic 5gm was powderd in uterus and abdomen .
·         Inj. Ciprocin………….5ml                IM  
·         Inj. Ketoject………….4ml                IM
·         Inj.Oxytocin……….. 0.5ml              IM
·         Inj.penbiotic…………1gm                IM was recommended for 3 days
·         Pyodine………………60 ml                for incision site
Follow up:  Owner of goat was advised to visit the clinic after 3 days.
After 3 days goat came and was in good condition surgical site was also good .Kids were also healthy.                                        

                                                                                                 M Waleed 

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